The series dedicated to Margaret Atwood that the Corriere della Sera publisher in collaboration with the publisher Ponte alle Grazie foresees the publication of 21 novels, essays, short stories and poems. The volume is on sale at the price of 8.90 euros excluding the newspaper, like the subsequent weekly releases.
Complete book series with our cover artworks
Thank you so much to Margaret Atwood @therealmargaretatwood, Corriere Della Sera @corriere @iodonna_it @xxystudio

©2023 Balbusso Twins

©2023 Balbusso Twins

©2023 Balbusso Twins

©2023 Balbusso Twins

©2023 Balbusso Twins

©2023 Balbusso Twins

Cover art by Balbusso Twins

Cover art by Balbusso Twins

Cover art by Balbusso Twins

Cover art by Balbusso Twins


AD - Our Pregnant art part of the illustrated edition The Handmaid's Tale for The Folio Society @foliosociety UK

the full page ad in the Io Donna magazine Italy for the launch of the exclusive series of 21 Margaret Atwood’s novels

The full page ad in the Corriere Della Sera journal for the launch of the exclusive series of 21 Margaret Atwood’s novels

the Margaret Atwood Interview in Corriere Journal
Destiny brought us to work for Margaret Atwood again!
12 years after the publication of the award-winning illustrated edition The Handmaid's Tale for The Folio Society UK @foliosociety Our Pregnant artwork @foliosociety used in this ad to launch this exclusive series has won numerous awards including the prestigious Gold Medal from the Society of Illustrators of New York in 2012.
12 years after the publication of the award-winning illustrated edition The Handmaid's Tale for The Folio Society UK @foliosociety Our Pregnant artwork @foliosociety used in this ad to launch this exclusive series has won numerous awards including the prestigious Gold Medal from the Society of Illustrators of New York in 2012.

Cover art - The Handmaid's Tale illustrated edition for The Folio Society

Pregnant art for The Handmaid's Tale, illustrated edition The Handmaid's Tale for The Folio Society
Our Pregnant art, part of the illustrated edition The Handmaid's Tale for The Folio Society @foliosociety UK, has won numerous awards including the prestigious Gold Medal from the Society of Illustrators of New York @soi128