Illustrating with Two Souls: The Balbusso Twins Featured in Graphis Journal #377
Here’s a snippet of our QA:
Here’s a snippet of our QA:
Anna Balbusso and elena balbusso, twins sisters also known as the Balbusso Twins, are an international recognised award-winning Italian artist duo living in Milan. Their work has been published by major international publishers and companies through out the world on various media. They've illustrated more than 50 illustrated books, including the luxury limited edition of The Great Gatsby for Beehive Books, the deluxe Folio Society editions of The Handmaid's Tale, Pride and Prejudice, and Atlas Shrugged. Their work has been featured in numerous publications, including The Economist, The New Yorker, The New York Times, The New York Times Book review, Reader’s Digest, and Corriere Della Sera. In their career they received more than 100 international honors & awards, including #4 Gold Medals, a Silver medal and the Stevan Dohanos Award from the prestigious Society of Illustrators New York, as well as two Joseph Morgan Henninger Awards and a Silver of the SILA of Los Angeles; a Gold Award of 3x3 Illustration Pro show n.18; the Victoria and Albert Museum Illustration Awards Best Book. In 2022 they won the Graphis Silver Award Designer for Peace United with Ukraine Protest Posters by Graphis Inc. The Norman Rockwell Museum has included Balbusso Twins in the illustration history among the illustrators of The Decade 2010. Their artwork has been exhibited internationally. They are part of the Tolerance project, the tolerance poster travel show curated by artist-activist Mirko Ilic with famous artists and designers from all over the world. They have been included among the 18 greatest Italian artists in the "Children's illustration: Italian Excellence”, travel show of Bologna Children's Book Fair. They participated to XXI Triennale of Milan, W-Women in Italian Design and to “Normal Wonders. The Hand. international Artists and Designers interpreted the ceramic hand designed by Mimmo Paladino”, the charity exhibition curated by Alessandro Guerriero and Alessandra Zucchi. Balbusso Twins have been featured in many publications including Graphis Journal #377, "The Power and Influence of illustration" and "Illustration The Third Edition 2023: A Theoretical and Contextual Perspective" by Alan Male Emeritus Professor of Falmouth University, Bloomsbury UK; Editorial Illustration: Context, Content and Creation by Andrew Selby, Bloomsbury UK; “Le Figure per dirlo” by Paola Pallottino, history of Italian women illustrators active from the 17th century to today by Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani; “Illusive Contemporary Illustration Part 4”, Gestalten. Their work has been recognized by the Society of Illustrators New York, the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles (SILA), the AOI, The Society of Publication Designers (SPD), Graphis Inc., Communication Arts, American Illustration, 3x3 The Magazine of Contemporary Illustration, The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), The University & College Designers Association (UCDA), The Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists (ASFA), Spectrum, Creative Quarterly, Applied Arts Magazine, Andersen Review, Lürzers Archive 200 Best Illustrators worldwide, Bologna Children’s Book Fair, BIB Biennial of Illustration Bratislava, The CJ Picture Book Festival Seoul Korea. Follow us on @balbusso_twins
Anna Balbusso e Elena Balbusso, conosciute anche come Balbusso Twins, sono un pluripremiato duo artistico italiano che opera a livello internazionale nei campi dell’illustrazione, arte e design. Vivono e lavorano a Milano. Il loro lavoro è stato pubblicato dai più importanti editori e aziende in tutto il mondo. Tra i loro numerosissimi clienti: The Economist, The New Yorker, The New York Times, Reader’s Digest, Le Figaro e Corriere Della Sera. Hanno illustrato più di 50 libri tra i quali la pluripremiata edizione di The Handmaid's Tales di Margaret Atwood dell’editore Folio Society. Il loro lavoro ha ottenuto oltre 100 premi e riconoscimenti internazionali tra i quali il recentissimo Best of Show dal 3x3 Magazine Annual 20 (2023), diverse Gold e Silver Medals dalla prestigiosa Society of Illustrators di New York, due Joseph Morgan Henninger Awards e una Silver Award dalla SILA di Los Angeles, il V&A Illustration Awards Best Book dal V&A Museum UK, il Premio Andersen Miglior Illustratore 2015 e un Graphis Silver Award. Il prestigioso museo americano Norman Rockwell ha incluso Balbusso Twins nella storia dell'illustrazione tra gli illustratori del Decennio 2010. Le loro opere sono state esposte a livello internazionale. Fanno parte della mostra itinerante Tolerance Poster Show curata dall'artista-attivista Mirko Ilic che coinvolge i più famosi artisti e designers di tutto il mondo. Nel 2023 la prestigiosa rivista Graphis Journal ha presentato il duo artistico sul numero 377. La storica italiana Paola Pallottino ha incluso Anna e Elena Balbusso nel volume “Le Figure per dirlo” storia delle illustratrici italiane attive dal '600 ad oggi a cura dell'Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani. Sono rappresentate dall'agenzia americana Shannon Associates LLC. di New York. Potete seguirle sui loro social @balbusso_twins

Three Gold Medals SOI

Dr. Jerome Art

2021 Gold Award

#25 Awards of Excellence 2007 - 2021

2021 Award

Society of Illustrators NYC