Do you know Balbusso Twins Artist Duo?
If you want to get to know us, if you already know us but want to know the story of our career, if you would like to work with us and you want to know how we work, this is the perfect opportunity!
You can read our story with a long interview inside the acclaimed Graphis Journal #377.
You’ll learn the celebrations, challenges, and what inspired us along the way.
A quarterly print and digital magazine we hope inspires your creativity -- The Journal is filled with thought-provoking, intimate, meaningful interviews and stories that take you inside the minds, work, and spaces of top designers, agencies, photographers, artists, and other outstanding creatives around the globe.
Each Journal issue is beautifully printed and features 12 lead stories and Q&As from creatives in their own words plus images of some of their finest work.
Each Journal issue is beautifully printed and features 12 lead stories and Q&As from creatives in their own words plus images of some of their finest work.
We thank you so much the publisher, B. Martin Pedersen Graphis with all our hearts for this wonderful opportunity!
It is a very important milestone in our career that makes us very proud and grateful to all those who have supported and believed in our work.
It is a very important milestone in our career that makes us very proud and grateful to all those who have supported and believed in our work.
Print issue pre-order here, digital issue already available: https://www.graphis.com